Five Rays of Light in the Darkness of COVID-19

Let's start by clarifying something: COVID-19 is terrible, and nothing could make the pandemic "worth it". However, rather than focus on the darkness around us, we thought it would be good to look at some of the rays of light that are piercing that darkness and giving us a reason to smile while we're stuck... Continue Reading →

They Might Be Giants: Years Later, They Might Be Surprising!

These days, the nerd-rock genre is alive and well.  From comedic acts like Paul & Storm to more serious ones like I Fight Dragons and Jonathan Coulton, there are many choices out there for the nerdy music fan if you know where to look.  But today, I wanted to reach back into the past to... Continue Reading →

14 Nerdy Playlists on Spotify

Spotify playlists with everything from Buffy to Nintendo, from Harry Potter to Disney, and everything in between! There's sure to be a playlist or 7 to get you through your workday. With nerds in the mainstream on shows like The Big Bang Theory and in the movies with Star Trek remakes and more, it’s now... Continue Reading →

Comic-Con Parody: The Little Mermaid’s “Part of Your World” (video)

It's the week of San Diego Comic-Con, which means quoting of The Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World" is in full force again along with the circulation of this image. "I wanna be where the people are." But what's not circulating around yet - and it should be - is this Comic Con parody of "Part of Your World."... Continue Reading →

New #DuckTales Theme Song is Like a Hurricane! + Premiere Info

Need something to hold you over until the DuckTales reboot airs? Perhaps a fun and relevant song to play on repeat? Something like the DuckTales reboot's catchy, new theme song? Well, you're in luck! The new DuckTales opening sequence and updated theme song has been revealed and is a 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale! (See what we did there? "Life... Continue Reading →

Holy Bat-Shaped Vinyl: BATMAN the ANIMATED SERIES Record is Everything You Want!

Every now and then you'll stumble upon something that makes you say, "Why on Earth doesn't everyone have one of these?" Often the reason is simply that no one knows about it which is equally mind-boggling. Today we're going to take a look at such a product (graciously provided to us for review by the... Continue Reading →

Sing Jingle Bells…ONE MORE TIME: Christmas Songs For When You’re Sick Of Christmas Songs

Christmas is fast approaching, and let's face it: as great as Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby are, you've been listening to them for long enough, and you might just blow up your radio if you have to hear them one more time. Have no fear! Below is a CD's worth of songs perfect for... Continue Reading →

This Halloween…Skip THRILLER & Check Out Michael Jackson’s GHOSTS Instead! …Or Heck, Watch Both.

Back when MTV still played music videos, Halloween meant putting Michael Jackson's "Thriller" on an almost constant loop. While there have been creepy songs since the hit was released in 1982, none have come close to reaching the level of success that "Thriller" has achieved. The iconic video catapulted the song's popularity even further, and... Continue Reading →

Actor | Musician Troy Baker (BioShock Infinite, The Last Of Us, Etc.) Debut Solo Album SITTING IN THE FIRE Is Out October 14th!

UPDATE: It its first day, Troy Baker's new album snagged a No. 1 Best Seller spot! Congrats, Troy! Help keep it there by buying "Sitting In The Fire" now! If you like anything considered "nerdy" then you already know Troy Baker's voice. Think you don't? He's the protagonist in The Last of Us and Bioshock... Continue Reading →

INTERVIEW: Laura Ellis, Singing Voice Behind CONTRAST, Talks

-- A few years ago, "shadow" games were all the rage. Games like Limbo introduced a cool new perspective and showed that games can be amazingly good even if they are graphically simplistic. A couple of years later, a new spin on this minimalistic gameplay was announced. Compulsion Games was developing a progressive new game where... Continue Reading →

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