Final Frame of HAWKEYE Episode 5 is Pure Gold

In case you didn't know, a new episode of Hawkeye landed on Disney+ today. If you haven't watched it yet then click away from this article now! We would hate to be responsible for spoiling the episode for you. Just to be clear: HAWKEYE EPISODE 5 SPOILERS BELOW! As with all Marvel outings, Hawkeye has... Continue Reading →

A Love Letter to Agents of SHIELD

Spoilers for Agents of SHIELD below Last week, the last surviving Marvel TV show, Agents of SHIELD, ended its seven-season run. It definitely doesn't seem like eight years ago that I sat in a packed room at the Dragon Con Whedon Track, eager for any information on the upcoming series. All we had were a... Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Avengers is a Fantastic Game with a Couple of Standout Issues

I grew up in the era of the NES and games on cartridges. There was no online play, and whatever got put onto that cartridge was the game that you got, bugs and all. Still, if I have to live in a world where the game can be finished after it's released, I'm at least... Continue Reading →

A Tribute to Allen Bellman, Iconic Captain America Artist

I'll be honest: I don't have a great collection of vintage Captain America comics. I didn't know Allen Bellman for his works for Timely Comics before they became Marvel Comics. Several years ago my wife and I paused at his table at Lexington Comic and Toy Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. I'd never heard of him... Continue Reading →

The AVENGERS: ENDGAME Rerelease is a Complete Mess

Marvel is rereleasing Avengers: Endgame with extra footage. At first, I couldn't have been more excited. A reason to see the movie again? Sign me up! Then came the news that there would be a promotional poster available as well. Sweet! I mean, just look at it! Then came time to buy tickets. Wow. What... Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Avengers Game Shows Us That It’s Time to Move On

Let me be the first to say that I will never want anyone other than Chris Evans as Captain America. I will never want anyone other than Robert Downey, Jr as Iron Man or Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Honestly, pretty much every actor in the MCU was the perfect choice for their character, and to... Continue Reading →


These days it's easy to get swept up in Marvel's Avengers: Endgame and all of the record-breaking hype that comes with it. It's easy to look at DC's cinematic outings and shake your head in disappointment at the near-successes that didn't quite hit the mark. Look a little harder, though, and you'll see a world... Continue Reading →

I Like to Like Things

We are living in an era where, for some reason, it's cool to hate things. It comes from all sides. Sometimes it's obvious who's in the wrong. Take, for instance, the review-bombing that Captain Marvel received before its release. People who hadn't even seen the movie were trashing it because they wanted to be mad... Continue Reading →

Captain America’s Story in AVENGERS: ENDGAME Makes Perfect Sense, If You Think About It This Way

First of all, MAJOR AVENGERS: ENDGAME SPOILERS INCOMING! Now that that's out of the way, we can continue. I've read several reviews of Endgame that focus on the ending of my all-time favorite superhero, Captain America. At least half of them trash-talk the ending, saying that there's no way that his story makes sense. I've... Continue Reading →

Movie Theaters Want You To Drop Over $100 for A 22-Movie Marvel Marathon That Comes With… Something #AvengersENDGAME

When Avengers: Endgame tickets went on sale, the world went crazy. Sites were crashing, tickets were selling faster than they ever have before; it was a hot mess. While I managed to snag tickets to a "Fan Event" screening, in the back of my mind I wondered if there would be a "Complete MCU Marathon"... Continue Reading →

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