A Tribute to Allen Bellman, Iconic Captain America Artist

I'll be honest: I don't have a great collection of vintage Captain America comics. I didn't know Allen Bellman for his works for Timely Comics before they became Marvel Comics. Several years ago my wife and I paused at his table at Lexington Comic and Toy Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. I'd never heard of him... Continue Reading →

Voice Actor Veronica Taylor Talks POKEMON, TMNT, & More (interview)

Even if we pretended for a second that you didn't like Pokemon, you'd at least still be familiar with it. The explosively successful video game turned card game turned anime was an uncontrollable craze in the 90s and has held onto that popularity in the following years. With Pokemon Sword and Shield set to release this November, the hype... Continue Reading →

Karan Ashley: Power Ranger, Con Creator

Conventions can be taxing on the guests. From panels to photo ops to endless autograph signing and picture taking, pretty much every minute of every day of a convention is booked solid. So what Power Rangers actress Karan Ashley and her friends (including fellow Power Rangers actress Nakia Burrise) decided to do was pretty out... Continue Reading →

Live at Dragon Con… Nathan Fillion Converts Entire Room to CON MAN Fans (Q&A panel audio)

I'll admit it: I'd never seen a single episode of Con Man. But when we missed the first of Nathan Fillion's only two panels at Dragon Con, we knew that we couldn't miss the second, even if it was a topic we weren't too familiar with. And from talking with other fans there that day, it... Continue Reading →

LIVE at Dragon Con… Zachary Levi: The Biggest Heart in Hollywood (Q&A panel video)

I've enjoyed everything I've seen Zachary Levi act in. I even enjoyed the Heroes revival. Fight me. Until Dragon Con, though, I didn't know much about the man himself. With the bits and pieces I'd gleaned from special features on our Chuck DVDs and from Nerd HQ panels, I figured he must be a good guy. After... Continue Reading →

The Pun-Loving Parade of Elements Finally Completes The Periodic Table @ Dragon Con 2017

Headed up by Jennie Law and Jason Clay (elements Hydrogen and Copper, respectively), Dragon Con has been the home of the Parade of Elements since 2007, having only some of the Periodic Table's many elements at It's beginning. Until this year, when they finally completed it, with every element in attendance flying their geek flag high.... Continue Reading →

INCONCEIVABLE! Wallace Shawn at Dragon Con 2017 (Q&A panel)

The Princess Bride turns 30 this year, which means the movie is being remembered in many mediums: new merch, costumes, documentaries, convention guests... And we couldn’t be happier. The Princess Bride holds a special place in our hearts. We’ve heard heartwarming stories of Andre the Giant, sidesplitting takes of Billy Crystal's on-set shenanigans, and more. What... Continue Reading →

Shy 5th Grader Draws Favorite Superhero, Stan Lee Responds in Video Message (Dragon Con 2017 reader submission)

Last weekend, 80,000+ people had the time of their lives at Dragon Con; and one little guy who wasn't there, thanks to his school counselor, got to have the time of his life, too. We received the following email from this counselor's sister today after publishing an article noting we are accepting stories of "real... Continue Reading →

Alton Brown: Head Wounds, Elaborate Sets, and the Return of GOOD EATS (LIVE Q&A at Dragon Con 2017)

When Dragon Con announced that Alton Brown and the rest of the Good Eats cast would be visiting, it might have seemed a little odd. Why would the cast of a cooking show visit the nerd capital of the world? If you've seen Good Eats then you know why it was perfectly appropriate. Good Eats... Continue Reading →

Dragon Con 2017 Coverage + Submit Your Photos, Videos, Recaps, etc.

We were thrilled to be back at Dragon Con as press for its 2017 festivities. We worked our butts off capturing photos, videos, and audio this weekend so we could all re-live the convention's fun in the midst of our post con depression that happens every year after we all return to "real life." Over the course... Continue Reading →

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