DELICATE STATE is a Must See Because of, Not in Spite of, Its “Guerrilla Filmmaking”

There's a standard in the world of filmmaking today. With superhero movies dominating the screen and high-budget period pieces dominating streaming services, There's never a shortage of entertainment, but these days the market is full of fantasy and projects that clearly had a lot of money behind them. That's part of what makes Delicate State... Continue Reading →

Final Frame of HAWKEYE Episode 5 is Pure Gold

In case you didn't know, a new episode of Hawkeye landed on Disney+ today. If you haven't watched it yet then click away from this article now! We would hate to be responsible for spoiling the episode for you. Just to be clear: HAWKEYE EPISODE 5 SPOILERS BELOW! As with all Marvel outings, Hawkeye has... Continue Reading →

One of 2021’s Most Underrated Games Won Game of the Year at The Game Awards

One day several months ago I hopped onto GameStop's website to preorder something, probably Metroid Dread. When the homepage loaded, I saw a little banner for a game called It Takes Two. Out of curiosity I watched a trailer, and I immediately knew that my wife and I had to play it. As it turns... Continue Reading →

Maggie Robertson is the Unstoppable Powerhouse That No One Saw Coming

Maggie Robertson is now a multi-award-winning actress, and all for a single role. Unlike many of her co-stars, Maggie (Or "Lady Robertson" as she now jokes on livestreams) was not a seasoned veteran of motion capture or video game acting. As she mentioned in her acceptance speech at the Game Awards last night, Capcom took... Continue Reading →

Nintendo Celebrates 35 Years of Mario, Forgets People Like Mario

If your have your ear to the door of the Nintendo fandom, or if you even live in the same building, you've probably heard some of the same issues for years. By far the largest is this: Nintendo never produces enough of any product for fans to actually have access to them. Such was the... Continue Reading →

A Love Letter to Agents of SHIELD

Spoilers for Agents of SHIELD below Last week, the last surviving Marvel TV show, Agents of SHIELD, ended its seven-season run. It definitely doesn't seem like eight years ago that I sat in a packed room at the Dragon Con Whedon Track, eager for any information on the upcoming series. All we had were a... Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Avengers is a Fantastic Game with a Couple of Standout Issues

I grew up in the era of the NES and games on cartridges. There was no online play, and whatever got put onto that cartridge was the game that you got, bugs and all. Still, if I have to live in a world where the game can be finished after it's released, I'm at least... Continue Reading →

Five Rays of Light in the Darkness of COVID-19

Let's start by clarifying something: COVID-19 is terrible, and nothing could make the pandemic "worth it". However, rather than focus on the darkness around us, we thought it would be good to look at some of the rays of light that are piercing that darkness and giving us a reason to smile while we're stuck... Continue Reading →

A Tribute to Allen Bellman, Iconic Captain America Artist

I'll be honest: I don't have a great collection of vintage Captain America comics. I didn't know Allen Bellman for his works for Timely Comics before they became Marvel Comics. Several years ago my wife and I paused at his table at Lexington Comic and Toy Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. I'd never heard of him... Continue Reading →

A Mind-Blowing Revelation in the Divine Beast Music from “Breath of the Wild”

I have put a ridiculous number of hours into Breath of the Wild. Even after I made it through the game's main story, I went back and did side quests, then just explored the gorgeous landscape. As a music nerd, I even went and bought the soundtrack which I listen to fairly regularly. Then, today,... Continue Reading →

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