10 Geek Culture-Stroking Facts about Kevin Smith #happybirthdaykevinsmith

As if anyone ever had to wonder if Kevin Smith is of the geek persuasion, we present to you for his birthday this list that "proves" he is thoroughly and completely one of us, albeit likely far, far fouler (have you seen his movies?)... Kevin Smith owns a comic book store, named for his Jay... Continue Reading →

So, You Want to Date a Geek?

These days, being a geek is cool. Rather, it may be more appropriate to say that being a geek is now trendy and commercial, meaning that the same people who once looked down upon others for their geeky and time-consuming interests now wish they had them. Suddenly, "How To Date A Geek" has become a... Continue Reading →

The Myth of the “Fake Geek Girl”: Addressing The Discourse And Discontent

Over the past few days, I've gotten quite a reaction from an article I posted titled "The Myth Of The Fake Geek Girl". Honestly, the reaction was quite a bit more intelligent and insightful than I expected. I read and received feedback [as a comment on the original post, as well as on Facebook and... Continue Reading →

The Myth of the “Fake Geek Girl”

If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own. ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist Recently, a friend posted an article on his Facebook page about the pervasiveness of the... Continue Reading →

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