Dragon Con Is Right Around The Corner (What It Is & Why You Need to Be There)

It’s that time of year again. We’ve endured the winter’s snow, ice, and traffic nightmares; we’ve survived the spring’s annual blessing of yellow rivers that drift lazily through the air, coating our homes, cars, and lungs with a carpet of pollen; and now we’ve finally reached the hot, sauna days of summer. If you listen... Continue Reading →

5+ Geektastic Christmas Trees (quick and easy-ish for the last-minute festive nerd in all of us)

Man, you geeks--okay, we geeks--have gotten creative! We've taken Christmas to a whole new level of nerdery! We've even gone from plain ol' science fiction and pop culture decorations on traditional Christmas trees to as far as making the Christmas trees themselves declare our fandoms. Here are our 5 favorites we've seen so far (which,... Continue Reading →

Fangasm’s Andrew Duvall Discusses His Upcoming Web Series, The Apartment, and the Negativity Surrounding Fangasm

Alright, Nerdy Minds. Let's talk about Fangasm! I intended to approach this article with a review about the series and a look into how the final episode wrapped things up; however, this morning I have seen more than a few articles pop up criticizing the show and its "exploitation of geek culture". So, in the... Continue Reading →

The Myth of the “Fake Geek Girl”: Addressing The Discourse And Discontent

Over the past few days, I've gotten quite a reaction from an article I posted titled "The Myth Of The Fake Geek Girl". Honestly, the reaction was quite a bit more intelligent and insightful than I expected. I read and received feedback [as a comment on the original post, as well as on Facebook and... Continue Reading →

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